whose we are

I can see in your thoughts you are a seeker, you are after something, and so am I. Actually we should, if we are not up to something then the mediocrity of this trending contemporary world will numb us to the core, and we will be like those automates, smiling to cameras just to get a bit of attention. 

Wasting the only unique and real no-renovable resource we have, which is time itself. If we don't try to appreciate it, to understand it, to suck the very life out of it, we might see one day an old man or lady of wobbly legs, we no teeth, or hair and you will not know what day you got like that. 

So we share something here, we are seekers, not of truth because truth as time are related to mind who seek it, we are looking for the ultimate goal, we are looking for wholeness. Which in many cases is not predicated by material, or mindly "things" but for fullness of joy, the kind of joy that make you feel; I am here, but I don't belong to ¨here¨, sometimes is even stupid because we find ourselves fighting for something that when you finally get it you realise that, ¨I don't need it¨. 

So when you reach to the point of asking; who am I? why am I? where am I? you are ready to mature, but if you don't reach that point, you are not ready. These kind of thoughts separates you even more from people, because many people are more interesting in the silly things of life, than to the meaningful things. 

So we are inboxed in flesh, I like to think that we are dressed up flesh. But our mind is a rocket where our spirit travel thru this realm. So my co-seeker friend, we are not alone, there are others awakening, in private, they might not even knowing it yet, but they start to wonder; why is this, like this? But we have to prepare the provisions for the journey, and that is, our information ingrafted in our spirit, because soon this belly we called body will push us out, and we might discover things we have, we didn't know we had. 

For that and so much more, spirituality is who we are, forever. Let us celebrate this huge enormous test called life. We are all ignorants, and the worse of that, is that we will always be. Because we are not suppose to know everything, we are suppose to evolve, to grow, to mature in the understanding of who we are and whose we are, the gap between those two questions are the multi-dimensional, multi-universal physical / energetical or whatever more it is existence we are in to. Peace and Joy to your life.
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