I won't do something dumb, one day maybe God will slow me down, I just kind of have to do that to stay sane, otherwise I just get too discouraged, otherwise... You know I would stop believing in prayer, I'd stop praying, because things will happen that'll make you go, well that doesn't work, they really will.
If I invested in people and they turned out not to really like returned in my mind the thing, if I put it with them to determine if the investment was worth it, I'd stop caring about people, I stopped investing in people, because it is easy to think "I may not get out of failure". So all I can do, and it sounds simple but I mean it, I mean it in a deep way, is make God's hands my deposit box, and living that way has kept me from quitting.
Because other times I would just go; "that was a waste of effort", "that was a waste of time", that was a waste we pray", and I would just totally lose my faith in prayer. If you think of it more like it was once called by a preacher; "A trust fund", it's like those prayers are still somewhere with God, and they will take you out of failure.
You know what I mean, "I pray for my dad to get healed and he didn't get healed". Those prayers are doing something somehow.
I just believe it, maybe I'm crazy, maybe one day I'm just gonna die and I'm gonna get this answer; "Nah! that was just what you thought". Well this works for me.
I just take it like "mm-hmm".
Everything I do with a good heart for God, everything I do in faith, I'm counting on the fact that I'm banking on the fact that it somehow accrues interest and it will be in my future, and out of failure success will come.
Because he's the lord of the harvest.
That scripture that calls him; "the Lord of the harvest", that helped me deal with the timing issue, and I shared with the friends the other day... are you ready for me to tell you something crazy?
You're the lord of the seed.
Lord meaning the master, not you're the Lord like Jehovah.
If you really want to get out of failure, you have to determine how much you sow, determine how much effort, how you pray, you determine how much you sow, but you can't always determine what it's going to become.
He's the Lord of the harvest, you're the lord of the seed, so I gotta keep planting, no matter what it looks like, I got to keep hoping, believing, having a good heart toward people, keep forgiving, keep being kind.
I got to keep my vows, I got to keep my balance, I got to keep preaching, I got to keep studying, I have to do that in every season and I can't step back and evaluate every season, was God faithful?
That's got to be a one and done, he is, now let's just see how.
I already made that decision, I'm not deciding that again.
Now I have to my to decide what does my obedience look like in this season, but I won't decide; is God faithful?
Ever again, I'm done with that.
But if you're asking me the question; how do I deal with it?
Out of failure, many failures, I just learned to look around the corner now, it's like; alright God's got something coming for me, I don't feel good right now, I really want that, but if not that, it's gonna be good, and it always is.
it's not always quick and it doesn't always seem better at first, but is it true?
Wisdom eventually kicks in to go like, God knows better than me.
He sees stuff I don't, He knows stuff I don't.
Well that's easier to preach than to live, because I can name three things right now that God allowed to happen, that I don't like without even thinking about it, but I don't have to like them, I just have to trust him.
Who told you, you have to like what God does to love him?
Yeah, I pray that to God; I don't like this.
Would you pray that honestly?
You would?
Good, you're way ahead of most people.
Most people wouldn't, be scared like over lightning volts.
Because it was too hard for me to get out of failure I used to be scared, I used to be like, fond of my faith in Jesus name, I confess that you are working on things together, I thought you had to. I was taught that was faith.
I don't disrespect God, but I will say; God I don't like this and if you need me to deal with this you will have to make me stronger, because I'm not feeling it right now.
Yeah so, either you deal with this for me. or give me the strength to deal with it. but one of us has to deal with it. and I'd like it to be you but if you make me do this, then let's do it, but I'm gonna tell you right now; I don't like it, so either make me like it or give me the strength to do it. this mind set will for sure keep you out of failure, to yourself.
I'm like, that would be a typical prayer for me; our Father who art in heaven, that's Jesus. Me I'm more like; God, you know I know that you're bigger than this, I'm not, I know that you see how this is gonna work together, I don't, I really need you right now, tell me do the right thing, keep me from doing the wrong thing.
So you can be you, you can be respectful of God and honest, so when you're hurting like that, the best thing to do is just get it out the way.
God that doesn't feel right to me and I don't like what I don't like what I think you're doing, but I don't know what you're doing, but whatever it is you are doing it will take me out of failure.
So just live in that place, that's all right.
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