Myles Munroe Egbert was born on April 20, 1954 in Nassau, Bahamas. Raised in the Bain Town neighborhood of the Bahamian capital, Myles grew up in poverty in a family of eleven brothers. He converted to Christianity during his adolescence, after attending Roberts Oral University (ORU), where he received his Bachelor of Fine Arts, Education and Theology in 1978 and the Master of Management degree from the University of Tulsa in 1980.
Munroe was also the recipient of honorary doctorates for several high-school houses and served as an adjunct professor at the Graduate School of Theology at ORU.

Below his Biography on video:

The Good bye!

Myles Munroe books

  • Al Mando
  • Applying the Kingdom
  • Applying the Kingdom 40-Day Devotional
  • Becoming a Leader
  • Becoming a Leader Workbook
  • Burden Of Freedom
  • Claves Para El Gambio
  • Claves Para El Liderazgo
  • Claves Para Las Mujeres
  • Claves Para Los Hombres
  • Daily Power Prayer Devotional
  • Devocional Diario De Poder Y Oracion Devotional Diary Of the Power Of Prayer
  • El Espiritu De Liderazgo
  • El Poder De La Visio'n
  • El PropSito Y El Poder Del Amor Y El Matrimonio
  • El Proposito Y Poder De La Autoridad
  • En Busca De La Libertad
  • Entendiendo El Proposito Y El Poder De Los Hombres
  • Fatherhood Principle
  • God's Big Idea
  • In Charge
  • In Pursuit Of Purpose
  • Keys For Change
  • Keys For Leadership
  • Keys For Living Single
  • Keys For Marriage
  • Keys For Men
  • Keys For Prayer
  • Keys For Vision
  • Keys For Women
  • Kingdom Principles
  • Kingdom Principles 40-Day Devotional Journal
  • La Gloria De La Vida
  • La Gran Idea De Dios
  • La Persona Mas Importante Sobre La Tierra
  • Libere Su Potencial
  • Los Principios Del Reino
  • Maximice Su Potencial
  • Maximizing Your Potential
  • Maximizing Your Potential Expanded Edition
  • Myles Munroe Habla Sobre Relaciones
  • Myles Munroe On Relationships
  • Overcoming Crisis
  • Passing It On
  • Potencial Para Cada DA
  • Potential For Every Day
  • Purpose and Power Of Authority
  • Purpose and Power Of Praise and Worship
  • Purpose For Living
  • Reclaiming God's Original Purpose For Your Life
  • Redescubra El Reino
  • Redescubriendo El Reino
  • Rediscovering Faith
  • Rediscovering Kingdom Worship
  • Rediscovering the Kingdom
  • Rediscovering the Kingdom Audio Book
  • Rediscovering the Kingdom Devotional and Journal
  • Rediscovering the Kingdom Expanded Edition
  • Rediscovering the Kingdom Kit
  • Rediscovering the Kingdom Vol 3
  • Rediscovering the Kingdom, Vol 1
  • Rediscovering the Kingdom, Vol 2
  • Rediscovering the Kingdom, Vol 5
  • Releasing Your Potential
  • Releasing Your Potential Expanded Edition
  • Seasons Of Change
  • Single Married Separated Life After Divorce
  • Single, Married, Separated and Life After Divorce
  • Single, Married, Separated and Life After Divorce Daily Study
  • Singles 101
  • Span-Becoming a Leader
  • Span-Understanding the Purpose and Power Of Woman
  • Spirit Of Leadership
  • The Glory Of Living
  • The Most Important Person On Earth
  • The Principle Of Fatherhood
  • The Principles and Benefits Of Change
  • The Principles and Power Of Vision
  • The Principles and Power Of Vision, Study Guide
  • The Purpose and Power Of God's Glory
  • The Purpose and Power Of Love Marriage
  • Triunfar En Poca De Crisis
  • Un Legado a Seguir
  • Uncover Your Potential
  • Understanding Love
  • Understanding Love and The Secrets Of the Heart
  • Understanding Men, Women, and Prayer
  • Understanding the Purpose and Power Of Men
  • Understanding the Purpose and Power Of Men, Study Guide
  • Understanding the Purpose and Power Of Prayer
  • Understanding the Purpose and Power Of Woman
  • Understanding the Purpose and Power Of Woman-Sg
  • Understanding Your Place In God's Kingdom
  • Understanding Your Potential
  • Understanding Your Potential Discovering the Hidden You
  • Understanding Your Potential Expanded Edition
  • Unleash Your Purpose
  • Waiting and Dating
  • Wisdom From Myles Munroe

  • Inspirational Myles Munroe Quotes

    1. “Your job is your skill that they can fire you from at any time. But your work is your gift. No one can take that from you.” – Myles Munroe

    2. “The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but a life without a purpose.” – Myles Munroe¨

    3. “When purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable.” – Myles Munroe

    4. “Seeds of faith are always within us; sometimes it takes a crisis to nourish and encourage their growth.” – Myles Munroe

    5. “Healthy relationships should always begin at the spiritual and intellectual levels: the levels
    of purpose, motivation, interests, dreams,and personality.” – Myles Munroe

    6. “Your purpose can be fulfilled only during the time you are given on earth to accomplish it.” – Myles Munroe

    7. “Solid character will reflect itself in consistent behavior, while poor character will seek to
    hide behind deceptive words and actions.” – Myles Munroe

    8. “You must decide if you are going to rob the world or bless it with the rich, valuable, potent,
    untapped resources locked away within you.” – Myles Munroe

    9. “Being open to correction means making ourselves vulnerable, and many people are not willing to do that.” – Myles Munroe

    10. “Friendship is not a gift, but is the result of hard work.” – Myles Munroe

    11. “Leaders don’t seek followers. Followers are attracted to leaders.” – Myles Munroe

    12. “A woman may be beautiful but have poor character. A man may be a business genius, making money left and right, but lack common courtesy, sensitivity, and compassion.” – Myles Munroe

    13. “…success is not a comparison of what we have done with what others have done.” – Myles Munroe

    14. “We are a sum total of what we have learned from all who have taught us, both great and small.” – Myles Munroe

    15. “Don’t ever make the mistake of telling God that you have nothing to offer. That simply is not true. God does not create any junk.” – Myles Munroe

    16. “A person’s readiness to date is largely a matter of maturity and environment.” – Myles Munroe

    17. “Desire is craving enough to sacrifice for” – Myles Munroe

    18. “The picture that we have of ourselves — our self-concept — will always determine how we respond to life.” – Myles Munroe

    19. “Your Job is where you get compensation for your activity. Your work is where you get fulfillment, because you love it so much.” – Myles Munroe

    20. “Communication is the ability to ensure that people understand not only what you say but also what you mean. – Myles Munroe

    21. “It is also the ability to listen to and understand others. Developing both of these aspects of communication takes a lot of time, patience, and hard work.” – Myles Munroe

    22. “God never demands anything that He does not provide for. Whatever God commands us to do,
    He equips us to do.” – Myles Munroe

    23. “The best thing in life to do is not to regret and try to change what happened, but to interpret it properly, maximize and use it to serve other people. That’s what I want to do with my past.” – Myles Munroe

    24. “Submission is the willingness to give up our right to ourselves, to freely surrender our insistence on having our own way all the time.” – Myles Munroe

    25. “The greatest act of leadership is mentoring. No matter how much you may learn, achieve, accumulate, or accomplish, if it all dies with you, then you are a generational failure.” – Myles Munroe

    A warrior who can say: TETELESTAI Because he accomplished his mission.

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