Study on these spiritual creatures also called demon.

Nature of Demons

Nature of Demon or Evil Spirits

We are going to do a fairly comprehensive study on these spiritual creatures also called demon, which we are surrounded by, and of which most of humans are totally in the ignorance.
In the book of the Ephesians 6:10-12 it reads;
Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
So connect with God and take out of him your fairy powers because we inherently we do not have the power to live neither to endure nor to raise our children, neither to endure the wife, or relatives, or friends or even less our enemies.
If we want to reach the end of the race, having joy and not bitter, we better learn to discover where is the source and origin of our strength, in God.
Dress up with all the armour of God so that you can stand firm against the snares of the communists, against the Mormons, or your mother-in-law, or your enemies, no right?
The true real enemy who is trying to destroy us, discourage us and trying to avoid us from reaching the goal and abort the mission that God has entrusted us is a fallen spiritual being, who is called the prince of darkness, Satan.

Wear the armour of God to resist a demon or evil spirits

Because we have no fight against blood or flesh the fight is not between us, the struggle is not with churches against churches, nor churches against sects, or against groups of politicians, or against people like you and me.
When the Christian loses their vision that we are not  fighting against human beings you lose the battle.
Our fight is not against blood and flesh, is not against any particular person, but against principalities, against powers, against governors of darkness of this century, against hosts or legions of spiritual soldiers of evil in the celestial regions, a group of being called demon.
Then a Christian is a person who begins to be aware of the world that surrounds him and he realizes that if a child has problems, you will not solve it beating the child or taking the child to the psychiatrist or the psychologist. If you have problems in your home with your wife, conflicts, frictions, if you are envious, if you are jealous, all of this comes from spiritual forces, invisibles, that the Bible call a demon or demons.
The word demon in the Greek is the word daimon, and it means intelligent beings.

The existence of a demon or these evil spirits around us, called demon, is one of the most clearer teachings of the bible, the four gospels are full, not the Mayan code, not those of the psychologists, not those of all sects, but some people are incredible, they believe more to the world than to the bible.
Which is the book of books, and the four gospels are full of references from the bad spirits, which spirits wherever Jesus Christ started walking they started to manifest attacking the bodies of human beings and the minds of the people.
emon or evil spirits
The ministry of Christ since the beginning, was aiming against any demon in Mark 1:34;
And he healed many that were sick of diverse diseases, and cast out many devils; and suffered not the devils to speak, because they knew him. In verse 39 and preached in the synagogues of them throughout Galilee and cast out any demon.

Jesus commission later to two disciples with the power for him to any demon or evil spirits, in Matthew 10:1;

And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease.
Here already changes the name from evil spirits to unclean spirits, in the Greek the word to Akathartos which means one that is contagious, a person who has a demon or demons or evil spirits, however you decide to call them, that demon spirit within that person or inside that boyfriend of yours or your girlfriend, has the potential to infect you.
If the person is bitter you get his bitterness, if the person is a gossiper you It spreads his gossip to you, if the person is murmuring you get infected with the murmuring.
Imagine a spiritual leader or a pastor who is bitter or who is jealous or having mental problems or problems of emotional instability, the same will infects all the believers.
Because a demon is unclean, is like a disease, like leprosy, that spreads and contaminates those around.
There is no doubt that the coming of Christ to world fuss and shaken these spiritual creatures calls demons.
Somehow, these spiritual creatures or a demon, already existed before Adam and Eve, when this world was formed, there was another world on this planet earth where Satan was the king and there was a group of beings and creatures.

The bible does not describe that more than these beings that populated this world, they lost their bodies when the judgment of God came, and now these spiritual creatures that lost their bodies are those that the people call souls, ghosts, grief spirits.
The mediums are deceived through their spirits to believe that they can have communication with the Cuauhtémoc spirit or with the spirit of any person or with the spirit of a loved one, etc.
But they are deceived because they do not know and are ignorant of what the bible says of the spiritual world.
Jesus Christ said in Luke 4: 33, that these creatures were the ones he came to fight with.
He was in the synagogue, says Luke, a man who he had a demon spirit;
·         Where was the spirit?
·         In a canteen?
·         In the red zone?
The demons, for when Christ came to the world, he found them in churches.
In other words, Israel, was infested with a demon or many of them, and when the son of man appears, Jesus Christ on the world stage, it begins to riot, imaging as he came pouring gasoline into the scorpion nest and everywhere they started to manifest, but one could think;
Oh! "me in church where less demonized people should be" 
They should be in canteens, in red zones, etc. But we realize that demons had the religion under his control in the times of Christ.
It means that it was a suffocating religiosity that existed in the times of Christ and who were the ones who crucified Christ?
·         The Romans?
No! Romans were instruments, the one who crucified Christ were the religious, those who represented religion in that times and this is absolutely true in the light of the whole bible, because the devil never it's more devil than when he disguises himself as an angel of light.
And while he can infiltrate to places where the bible is open and where Christ is preached, and infiltrates himself between all the others, is where he can do his best work of destruction.
demon or evil spirits
When can notice then, that the ministry of Christ on earth was a continue war against the evil spirits.
In Luke 4: 33;
This demon when saw Christ it shouted... which means, they can use the vocal cords of humans. It was not the person who shouted, but the devil.
And pay attention to what it said to Jesus Christ; verse 34, leave us! What do you have with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us?
These spiritual creatures, invisible, they know and they knew when Jesus Christ appeared, who was he and the mere presence of Jesus Christ started to shake them, but it's interesting that they have asked;
·         Had you came to destroy us?
Which means, they know their end is coming!
Revelations 12; the devil knows that He has little time left.
Read carefully my beloved saints in Christ Jesus, the closer we get to the second coming of Christ, who already seems to be close around. Volcanoes belching, earthquakes, seas contaminated with oil, the air contaminated, food contaminated and international economic problems, an incredible chaos of political leadership in the whole world.
Apostasy of the church, false signals, false miracles, what are we waiting for to Christ to appears?
The closer we get to the coming of Christ, more intense will be the war between us, more attacks we will suffer, more enemies will rise up against your life, your family and your marriage, to prevent us from reaching the destination and it is precisely now, the time in which we are living, when we must wear the armour of God and take God seriously.
This is not a game, this not Realm of Adventure, we are not in Disneyland, we are in a world occupied by the enemy and Christ came to fight the enemy and to give us power thru the Holy Spirit, to be victorious in all problems and struggles.

demon or evil spirits

The problems with your marriage on your knees can be resolved, the problems with your children are solved on your knees, problems and conflicts and tensions between families and between churches are resolved on our knees.
Do not attack each other, it is not between us the warfare, are demons that are inside the people who wants to declare war to you, and it's on your knees that you are going to be able to fight against them.
When Christ said pray for your enemies and forgive your enemies, he was giving us the secret to win the spiritual warfare, do not seek revenge, if you look for revenge you will tight the hands of God and God cannot act anymore to assist you, but if you let him the revenge, God and to your enemy you tell him, I bless you and I have nothing against you, if you want to talk bad about me say anything you want, but you know One thing? I bless you, I love you, I have nothing against you and if I find you on the street, I will not hide, I will say hi, because I have nothing against you.
The problem is you against me not me against you.
And if you have that attitude of forgiveness towards those who persecute you, towards those who slander you, those who murmur against you, then God acts, because you are binding any demon and confusing them. "My is the revenge says the Lord, I will pay".
It's the secret of spiritual warfare, we don't take the weapons, but leaving them to God.
Christ recognizes the presence of the devil in his enemies, in John 8:44 he says to the Pharisees;
You are sons, you are sons of your father the devil and the wishes of you father you want to do, because the Devil has been a murderer and a liar from the beginning.
In other words, one of the characteristics of a person controlled by the devil is hatred. A person who has hate against someone, a person who has a grudge against someone, is a breeding ground for the devil's act in your life, as well as there are fertile lands, where the devils needs fertile ground in the heart for them, a demon to seed and grow evil in your life and in my life.
And there is not a better field or land where demons can sow better their seed than in hatred and grieve.
That's why the bible says that love will cover many sins.
demon or evil spirits
Christ recognized and declared that he came to proclaim freedom to the captives, when Christ comes into the world recognizes that human beings we were tied.
I before Christian was tied by alcohol, women and everything and you with other vices and everyone reading this was not a saint, we were not all pure before meeting jesus, with emotional problems, with traumas in our childhood, to some they were abused, to others they were robbed when young, others were dumped by the wife or girlfriend, others disappointed in love, others disappointed from men, but all we humans, we are hurt.
We are all hurt because someone or something in the past hurt us and those wounds if not healed, they will continue bleeding and if they keep bleeding then you will bleed out, and then you cannot function in God's kingdom.
Christ comes to heal, to take care, to put a bondage on that gangrene, to that everything we had that we had unused because of sin, and grieve, and hate, and traumas of the past, Jesus Christ came to free us all.
And the most tragically is that there are Christians that after 5 or 10 years in Christ, they keep murmuring, they keep talking bad and slandering, they keep revealing against their spiritual leaders, this is terrible in the eyes of God.
Christ declared that Satan could not have anything against him because Christ was sinless.
Let's make a careful study of cases of demonic possession mentioned on the gospels, and we're going to learn the features, you will be amazed, about these spirits, that can open your ears, these spirits can infiltrate our mind, our mind is the field of battle.
The main target of these spirits it's our mind and you are going to see that they have access to our mind, they can talk to us without us hearing them, they can suggest ideas of hate, of killing, of lies or ideas for you killing yourself.
Any thought, any thought, read careful, of suicide in the mind of a person, comes from a demon.
Because finally, it is there to where they want to corner us, to take us to a place where you say; I cannot stand this situation, I cannot stand it anymore, it's better to end my life.
·         You know a thing?
I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me.
In those desperate situations in which you find yourself, you must remember that there is an almighty God, that although you have a red sea in front that looks like that it will not open and on the back the Egyptians chasing you, at that moment cries out and fall on your knees, instead of taking you pills and shoot yourself, falls on your knees and cries out to the Lord almighty, God.
God is waiting for how we react when we find ourselves cornered.

demon or evil spirits

When you lose your job, when your boyfriend leaves you, when your wife leaves you, when your husband leaves you,
·         How are you going react?
·         What are you going to do?
·         Are you going to drink alcohol?
·         Are you going to fall using drugs?
·         Are you going to go with other women?
·         Are you to throw yourself to a cliff with the whole car?
That silly you are, because if you do you are going straight to hell.
Then God wants us to put in action our faith, if we really believe in God, let's resort to him in our moments of despair, because he is our protection, our strength, in all our tribulations.
I will never leave you says the Lord.
In Mark 1: 25, now beginning our study and analysis of the main characteristics of these spirituals creatures that can infiltrate our minds, can infiltrate our eyes, our vocal cords, our auditory senses, they can enter to your heart, pancreas, the bowels. You’re going to be surprised of the access that they have, access of destruction in our interior life.
In Mark 1: 25 we see in first place that these spiritual beings are smart, since jesus went to them intelligently. There was in the synagogue, verse 23, a man with an unclean spirit, Mark 1: 23, that gave voices. We can see that they use the voices of people, saying;
·         What you have against us Jesus Nazarene?
·         Have you come to destroy us?
I know who you are, you are the Saint of God.
And Jesus rebuked him and told him to shut up and get out of him. Now, Christ is addressing his voice to a smart creature, these intelligent creatures called evil spirits, demon, recognizes that the voice of Jesus is telling him to shut up and these creatures have to submit to the voice of God.
Because greater is the one with us that the one who is in the world.
And when a Christian recognizes that authority, that God has given us about this kind of spirits, is when you really know it's not holy water, neither the scapular, nor magic words, abracadabra, for it to leave a person, these spirits the only thing they recognize is the voice of the Holy Spirit speaking through US.
If you do not have the Holy Spirit, the crosses you put in your house, and the holy water you may have or the scapular that you, they are not going to listen to them, because they know who has the presence of the spirit of God inside.
In verse 34 of Mark 1 it says; healed many sick and cast out many demons and He did not let any demon speak because they knew him.
We see then, that a demon is intelligent, they recognize who Jesus is, they have the ability to take action, they can only take decisions only towards evil things.
In Matthew 8: 28 to 29 we found another case where we are going to realize that demons can speak different languages, demons are polyglots, they are much smarter than us, unfortunately towards evil nothing more, but they fear. They can talk to you in Chinese, in Portuguese, they can speak in any language.
Because if there was a demon in France it will not speak in Spanish, they speak dialects, they speak languages, they are creatures infinitely more intelligence than us.
Matthew 8: 28;
And when he was come to the other side into the country of the Gergesenes, there met him two possessed with devils, coming out of the tombs, exceeding fierce, so that no man might pass by that way.
29 And, behold, they cried out, saying, What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? art thou come hither to torment us before the time?
30 And there was a good way off from them an herd of many swine feeding.
31 So the devils besought him, saying, If thou cast us out, suffer us to go away into the herd of swine.
32 And he said unto them, Go. And when they were come out, they went into the herd of swine: and, behold, the whole herd of swine ran violently down a steep place into the sea, and perished in the waters.
33 And they that kept them fled, and went their ways into the city, and told everything, and what was befallen to the possessed of the devils.
demon or evil spirits
We can realize by that text, that demons speak. In the time of Jesus, they spoke Aramaic. Jesus spoke Aramaic, which is a derivation of the Hebrew language. They spoke in Hebrew at this time.
They have emotions, "what do you have with us?”, they began to tremble, they have emotions just like human beings do.
They feel fear and also desires, they were scared and trembled emotionally and they also had the desire and they said to Christ; "do not cast us out and send us to the abyss" allow us to go to the pigs" and Christ gave them permission to enter the pigs, with What purpose?
What was the reason?
What lesson wanted Christ to teach us by allowing these demoniacs men were free and his demons go out and get into the pigs?
In Leviticus 11 in the First Pact or Old Testament, the bible teaches us that there are clean animals and unclean animals.
When Adam and Eve sin many animals got contaminated, scorpions, spiders, vipers etc. And God also created the flesh of all animals, then God is the cooker, the great chef, and he knows what we should eat and what we should not eat. And he forbade Jews to eat meat of pig.

And hundreds of years passed until 30, 40 years ago when was discovered that the pig has some parasites, that are called Trichinella, and cysticercus that if you eat a pork rind, and it bring a little hair, in that little black hair can come the parasite and if you eat it, it goes to your brain and it is almost impossible to remove them from the brain and the pork meat, especially when they are malnourished.

demon or evil spirits

To these pigs the demons entered, because they were unclean animals and we see a rare phenomenon, when the devils entered the pigs, they ran violently down a steep place into the sea. And you might ask yourself; 
This is an incongruity, is something illogical, something to ask to the demons; Why if Christ gave you permission to go into the body of the pigs, you killed the pigs?
Here is a principle, read me very carefully, in the spiritual world, Evil has two enemies, yes you read good, the evil has two enemies: Evil itself and good.
And good has only one enemy: Evil.
I want to tell you, evil itself is self-destructive, for example in a band of thieves, if the police do not they catch them, sooner or later among themselves they are going to end up killing themselves.
A person who hates, a person who is a murderer, a person who try to hurt others, sooner or later that person is going to destroy itself, or by drugs, or by the anger, or by suicide, because evil is self-destructive by itself.
This was what Christ did teach us; that evil has two enemies, the demons are self-destructive, they know not that everything what they do is to destroy themselves too. 
And also we are self-destructive, the human beings. 
Ask a person why you smoke?
Don't you know that when you smoke your tongue, your oesophagus, your eyelids, your palate, your gums, your teeth, are you aware of the harm you're don’t to yourself, poisoning with the cigar?
Are you a human being guided by reasoning? 
Because if you are guided by reasoning, you are self-destructive.
Do you believe that people who get drunk and smoking they do not know what they are doing?
Then why they do it?
because we are by nature self-destructive.
demon or evil spirits
It is a lie that reason governs us, what is governing us are feelings. 
Who does not know that if you are unfaithful to your wife, the level damage of great damage, says Proverbs 6; "The one who commits adultery is lack of understanding, corrupts his soul", adultery person that cheats on his wife or husband is self-destructive. 
You're going to last because sins, says the bible, "sins will take over you sooner or later. The paid for sin is death.
The moral laws of God are inexorable.
Demons need human bodies or animal bodies to rest.
What tremendous lesson is Matthew 12: 43 to 45;  
When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walked through dry places, seeking rest, and find none.
44 Then he say, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he find it empty, swept, and garnished.
45 Then go he, and take with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation.
places without water, that is what demons seek, the desert. When Satan tempted Christ, he did not tempt him in the city of Jerusalem, he did it in the desert.
This is very important, vital.
There is a sect called "stop suffering" very famous in Latin America, as "Pare de Sufrir", they say to put a glass of water up on the TV so that demons leaves. where did they get that?
That it is witchcraft, because they took it out of the Bible, precisely because they want to mix the Bible with their goals.
Demons can't stand water, they look for desert places and when they go out, they look for cemeteries, tombs, that's why the bible tells us, Christians do not come back anymore, you already buried the deceased, your mom, your uncle, your dog, then no longer return to visit their bodies, because they are not there anymore.
Do not take to those dead bodies, flowers!
Both the rich and the poor ignorant and pagans, because it is paganism, why they do it because?
They are doing it because traditions which we had learned. And that have no foundation in the word of God.
It is absolutely irrational, absurd, seeing it logically and philosophically.
But that's how we humans are guided, by traditions not for reason, our passions, our emotions, the Bible tells us; when you bury a person never come back. When you go to the grave, he or she does not hear you, the worms laugh at you and the devils make a party.
Because you cannot even communicate with no spirit, says the Bible, that has departed from this world.
If you try to communicate with the spirit of your mom or some else, you 're going to be tricked. first 1 Timothy 4: 1, by deceiving spirits, which will double the voice of your mother, your aunt, your child, and you will not be communicating with your mom or your son, your mom and your son are in heaven, or they are in hell.
There are no human spirits wandering in space, more than demons and infernal spirits and creatures.
In Matthew 12, this unclean spirit, gets out from a man and it says; I'll go back to my house.
You see that the human bodies they call them house.
They are so comfortable inside you, you put them already sofa, and even lemonade for breakfast you give them, every time you turn to pornography in the TV/PC.
They are like every time you walk on the street watching women, undressing them with your eyes, inside of you they begin to root and sink its claws, and take root inside of you. The eviler and more sin we have the more they cling to our nature and the harder it becomes to cast them out.
They have no rights over us more than the right that we give them, when we want to go against the laws of God.
These spirits say the Bible, that when they come again the find it unoccupied, sweep and adorned, this is a case of a person who came to church or to a Bible seminar on his side, but they are scorched and now while preaching this word of God to you, the Holy Spirit is here working in your life and in your heart, convincing you that this word is true and faithful and a demon cannot stand the word of God.
And when a demon leave it tells you "I'll wait for you outside when you are done reading this". And the demon is waiting for to leave the church, he realizes that you chose your wife and that you liked the word of God, and you want to keep hearing the word of God, then the demon says Oh! Pancho is going to go back to church, then it goes and it takes seven evil spirits worse than the first one, because pancho wants to go back to the church, but he does not want to receive Christ as his saviour.
He already swept his body, unoccupied and adorned the body, but this body was not occupied, and as long as the Spirit of God does not occupy your body and make residence within you, you are vulnerable to be occupied by a demon, spiritual creatures or evil creatures.
This is the way how they are working, in acts 16: 16 we find that they use people as mediums.
The Bible prohibits us from communicating with the dead.
Deuteronomy 18: 10 - 12; 
There shall not be found among you, any one that make his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that use divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch.
11 Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer.
12 For all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord: and because of these abominations the Lord thy God doth drive them out from before thee.
Be careful that you try to communicate with a dead, because you're going to be cheated by a demon.
Acts 16: 16 says the bible;
And it came to pass, as we went to prayer, a certain damsel possessed with a spirit of divination met us, which brought her masters much gain by soothsaying:
17 The same followed Paul and us, and cried, saying, these men are the servants of the Highest God, which shew unto us the way of salvation.
You see how pervert, smart and cunning is a demon or are the demons, these spirits did not say; "do not follow him" no, these demon or evil spirits were making publicity campaign for free to Paul.
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