Solomon was a Prayer, but it took him some time to give an honest pray to God.

Solomon give pray The devil has no power to contain the prayer. The prayer is spiritually nuclear in its nature; It is the pure matter of God and his people. The prayer is outside the influence of Satan. He has no power to divert or influence the course of the prayer to the throne of God after that has been done. Once a prayer has been unleashed, it bounces around eternity perpetually, burning in front of the throne of God as incense. 
That's why the prayer is so spiritually dangerous for Satan. It exceeds the limitations of the mortal world. The prayer is immortal; it has neither limits nor lines that limits it and has a possibility of reaching the maximum potential. The highest to 10 that the devil can expect is that they do not pray and most of this strategy is to dissuade you totally from praying, since a prayer never made has zero chances of being answered ever.

Are your prayers 'prepared as incense'?

The covenant of the Law that had been concluded with the nation of Israel required burning incense every day (Exodus 30: 7, 8). 
Solomon give pray
Does the use of incense have a special meaning?
Yes, for the psalmist sang: "That my prayer is prepared like incense before God, the lifting of the palms of my hands, like the offering of grain at evening" (Psalm 141: 2).
In the book of Revelation, the apostle John sees those who are near the heavenly throne of God with golden bowls full of incense. "And - says the inspired story - the incense means the prayers of the saints." (Revelation 5: 8) Thus, burning incense of sweet fragrance symbolized the acceptable prayers offered by the children of Jehovah day and night (1 Thessalonians 3:10, Hebrews 5: 7).

Wisdom in prayer 

In 1st of kings chapter 3 we are going to analyze and we will develop this article the power of prayer. 

But before entering this passage the bible teaches us that wisdom is one of the greatest blessings that any believer can possess. In proverbs chapter 3: 13 to 18 wrote Solomon;
Blessed is the man who finds wisdom
In other words, you have to look for it because, to find something we have to look for it. The one who finds it and who gets it.
The intelligence, because its it's much better to find it and have wisdom that all the silver and that all the gold that could you one day pile up, more precious is that the precious stones and everything you can wish, for it can not be compared to wisdom. 
Once I asked god, oh god why you say that is more important the wisdom that the money?
Because most people would say; good I prefer a thousand times have more money than more wisdom.
Solomon give pray

And the answer we will find it through of the development of this article, because, I'm going to give you an advance, if you have money and you do not have wisdom You have to spend money, you will use it in things and in illusory vanities that will  become a curse for your life.

People who have money and do not they know how to use it the money becomes a curse for their lives, but if you have wisdom before having money, when you have money you will know how to use it, where to use it and at what moment use it.
Then when we have wisdom before...
How many you have a career before having money?
Before getting married?

We started having the ability to know how to use what God has given.

Wisdom has a definition, wisdom can be defined as the ability to be able to understand and discern what to do, how to do it and when to do it. 
We could also say that wisdom is the ability to know how to apply knowledge. Knowledge is not given by the bible, however if I have that knowledge just intellectual, and if I do not put that knowledge into practice what am I?

I know I can not have wisdom, wisdom comes into my life when I practice what I know, because there are many of you who knows a lot of bible, maybe, or a lot of theology, however, do not live what they know, saying one thing and doing something else and that's when the personality begins to disintegrate, when we we say one thing and we do something else, our mind starts to divide. In psychology is called schizophrenia, which means, mind divided.
Before which it was defined as schizophrenia, James chapter 1 said, 2000 years ago, the double-minded man, translated the double-soul man, the Hebrew nephesh which is translated as soul, is inconstant in all its ways, a person with a divided mind is not the same at work or in the bus, neither in the store nor in the supermarket, neither at school nor at home.
Solomon give pray

On one has a personality with his or her friends and in another moment another personality in the church, there are people who have two or three personalities, because they are disintegrated, they act one way in front of their friends in another way in church and in another way back home.
Here no one is around, but here in the church they kneel, Holy, holy saint, but in his/her family they are another thing, they are not one piece, and God wants you in one piece.
In Job 28: 28 says the bible; Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding
what is that which makes a person wise, fear God. What does it mean to fear God?
To be afraid of him? 

Being afraid of God takes you away from God, but fear God gets you close to him.
That the difference between fear God and being afraid of God.

Do not confuse that. 

When I have fear of God, I come to God and I also respect my wife, I respect my finances, pay my taxes and try to behave responsibly. why? Because I have fear of God in my heart.

Many of you, they do what you do because you do not have fear of god. Many of you when nobody sees you, mostly when we are young, we kiss, we hug, we abuse the caresses and we call ourselves Christians, and we do it because many of us have no fear of God.

Many men travel and when they come they reach the hotel and since there is no wife or nobody else, they they rent a porno movie, why they do it? because they think nobody sees them, but when you are aware that God you see you, you would not do the things that you do If you had the fear of God.

That is the why Solomon, the wise Solomon, was worried for being a wise king, was young he had just to consolidate his power, he had just put down an internal rebellion of the government of his brother Adonias, eliminating his enemies and the nation of israel was now perfectly unified by a leadership that was him and there was peace everywhere.
His father david he had just died and he was now sitting on the throne and Solomon when he is sitting on the throne, feeling his immaturity, his disability and his lack of experience, asks God for wisdom to discern and to govern such a big people. 

When Solomon began to exercise the political and diplomatic commitment he created an affinity with Pharaoh king of Egypt, as he took Pharaoh's daughter and brought her to the city ​​of david. Meanwhile finishing the building of his house and the house of jehovah and the walls around jerusalem. Solomon while entering his reign he immediately knew that he needed egypt, that needed syria, jordania those nations from around were very important to have a good diplomatic and political relationship.
He didn't want war, then Solomon, since in that time countries made alliances by giving the daughter of the kings to the son of the other king or the king himself, so marriages in times of Solomon were by political commitment, not necessarily Solomon fell in love with the daughter of pharaoh or maybe he didn't even meet her, but simply by being the daughter of the Pharaoh of Egypt and marry Solomon king of Israel, Egypt and Israel made peace, they made a commitment through the marriage. 
When Solomon acquires the commitment by politics and diplomacy with the daughter of Pharaoh, Solomon was breaking a law, that says in the book of Deuteronomy chapter 17: 17, which God had given in the Sinai mountain to Moses for the rulers;
He must not take many wives, or his heart will be led astray. He must not accumulate large amounts of silver and gold.

God always was against true polygamy always, always.
The fact that Solomon and the fact that also David has had several women, does not imply that it was the will of God.
Solomon give pray

Because Solomon knew that the will of God is double.

The will of God is permissive and the God's will is directive.

God gives you permission to get married with a least likely person, God allows you to become a partner of a person who is not Christian, but that does not mean that by God allowing yourself to do that whatever you do, that does not mean it was your His will that you married that man or that woman, because you became infatuated with doing that something and God allow us to take up the consequences of what we have done and of what we have sown, the harvest is of us, but it does not mean that it was the will directive of God.
God's will directive is; I have for you a woman that is going to be faithful, that is going to be your wife the mother of your children, wait for the time in which I will bring it to you.
If you get impatient and get married with the wrong one and you live hell with her then you can't go saying, Well, God wanted that I married Jhon.

Let me tell you one thing about God, Yes, God let you married with John, and of course He could prevent it, but if God would have prevented it, God would have violated your freedom, your free will and we would no longer be true people, moral agents, we would be as robots and we would be puppets of a god that does whatever he wants. But God has given us free will to us, to be responsible for the decisions and consequences that is what we will carry.

Now, let's see then how did Solomon ended, precisely for these wrong decisions.

The people made the sacrifices in the high places, where regularly the pagans did their sacrifices, and God never wanted that Israel sacrifice in high places, but until Solomon finished the temple and sacrifices were offered in the place where God wanted, them to be offered. God allowed them to carry out sacrifices in the high places.
1 Kings 3: 2, Because there was no a house built in the name of the jehovah, until those times.
Solomon had a capacity in second place as a builder, if you read the entire first book of kings, is amazing, incredible architecture, the beauty of the decoration of the Temple of Solomon, of the paintings that he sent to bring, his throne had twelve golden lions on the stairs, his throne where Solomon sat, was pure gold.
There has never ever been in history, nor bill gates, neither the Mr. slim, nor the Kennedys, neither the two of them nor any millionaire, has had the money that has had, and the wealthy of the King Solomon.

But at the same time that Solomon has had the unimaginable riches that anyone could have reach. Solomon at the same time was the wisest man of all the history that existed, the wisest man.
Imagine, he had millions of trillions of wealth and at the same time he had the wisdom and at the end of his life, he put it aside, and he gets away from God, apostated god and then come back to God and write the book of ecclesiastes.
Which is the compendium of wisdom after the biggest proverbs of the whole bible, the ecclesiastes book.

Now we're going to start analyze this prayer that Solomon aware of his immaturity begins to say to God.
1 Kings 3: 5; At Gibeon the Lord appeared to Solomon during the night in a dream, and God said, “Ask for whatever you want me to give you.
To how many of you have God appeared?
We can all say true to none, but this is a partial truth because every time you open the bible God appears to you.

We no longer have visible manifestations of God, nor audible, as the times before the old testament, but now we have all the God's counsel in the bible, all that God have to tell us he is already in the bible. After the bible, there is no nothing else that God has to tell us.

That's why the bible is a sealed, the one who add something to these words or the one that takes out something away from these words, says apocalypse 22, the curses in this book will fall up on that person, because when we hear today that so many things about prophecy; the Lord told me that a girl with dress is the girl I am getting married to, or the man told me that from this church are going to run rivers of living water, and the Lord says that a revival is going to come to guatemala, in spain, etc.

To who the Lord said that?
Who knows?
Maybe that person ate pizza at midnight and they start saying things that are not in the bible, they assume that God said it, but God did not say it.

Because prophecy it is not to announce the future, prophesying means to eat this word for when you speak, you speak this word.
The person who preach the word is a prophet, a prophet is not a person who says this is going to happen or this other thing is going to happen, those are guessing.

Do not confuse prophecy with guessing.

Now in the old testament, there were seers, to they were given prophecies of the future, everything that is going to happen is already written in the bible.
Take care when people says, is going to tremble in February 2020, the Lord told me that at 10:00 in the morning. Be careful brothers and sisters in Christ of all these false prophecies. To light and to testimony, if it is not in the word of God for them they is not dawned, says the prophet Isaiah.
Solomon give pray

Then Solomon, has the appearance of God in dreams and says God to Solomon, ask whatever you want me to give you.

Wow not even Santa Claus. Here we are before the creator, the God of the heavens and the earth, and that we see in first place, is an invitation from God that he makes us, not only to Solomon, but also to us. In the New Testament, call out to me and I will answer you, He says in Jeremiah 33: 3, and I will show you things big and hidden that you do not know.

Now here we could immediately assume, if God appears to me saying; ask me what you want, I might ask a Cadillac, the latest model Lord, a house, a beautiful woman, all these are the things that the world would ask when they do not have a heart for God. But what Solomon did is what will teach us that God was so  pleased, of what Solomon asked, that God gave him all that.

Then we must understand that when we pray according to the will of God, He will grant the requests we have made him. The first thing we see is the true incentive to pray, which is one of the thing that should motivate us to pray, the God we are asking is a generous God.
James 1: 17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.
And whoever lacks wisdom, ask God who gives it over abundantly.

Ephesians 3:20, Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.
This is very important, because I know a lot people saying; oh Lord please, and please and they believe God is over there far away from them, and ask, and they scream and they throw themselves and wallow on the floor and Ephesians 3:20 says that what we ask God he responds according to the power which is where? outside or inside?

According to the power that acts in within us  
Solomon give pray

These power within us is the holy spirit, I just I have to kneel in the secret of my prayer and enter into communion with God and he is always hearing what I say, he is inside of me and I do not have to look for external manifestations of God, because the power is inside of me and within me, the holy spirit.

If I have a relationship of camaraderie with the Holy Spirit and I walk in holiness with God, whatever God puts inside of me He is going to give it, because God pleases me when we ask according to his will.

Although we are not kings or rulers like Solomon was, with the same level of responsibility that he had.

Is it not the same God that Solomon was approaching to in the Old Testament?
Juan 5:14 - 15 This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. 15 And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him.
If I have a child and 10 years, who tells me; daddy buy me a BMW! will I but it for him?
If I do it, I do an evil act more than a good one.

Now if he starts to know the wisdom from 10 or 15 years that he does not have the maturity to be able to use the thing, than he would not ask me that.

The he would tell me, Dad give me a car or a watch according to what you consider I should use.

It is important that we know which God's will for our lives, and how we can know it?
By reading the bible.
Do you do it daily?
Do you try to memorize few verses?
Or you only knows John 3:16?

If you do not memorize the word of God, the Word of God you have to save it in your mind, if you do not save it in your mind then you can not meditate in it, you can not think about it, murmur on it, reflect on it, ponder on it, because we need memorize it, chew it, assimilate it, and save it our heart, and there it will remains and length of days and years of life will increase in you and wisdom will begin to manifest itself in your life.
Solomon give pray

Christianity is not going to a church only on Sunday nine and a half to eleven in the morning.

Christianity is to believe what God says. 
Solomon give pray

We have a father who wants to give us everything, but because he does not give us what we ask him, with our tastes, we ask him when we need him, when we have a tragedy, when there is a moral problem, when we get sick, but...

The previous days or months have we had fellowship with him? Have you loved him with all your heart?
Have you kept holy your love to your wife?
Have you bless your children?

Do you teach your children the word of God?
Are you honest in your business?

If no, then god can not give it you, because if you fail in the little will fail also in the big.

If God blesses you and give you what you want, and help you, he would spoil you, because you have not the wisdom to live and have what he would like to give to you.

Reflect and meditate deep on this saints of God.

Now let's see the foundation of prayer, the assurance that God is going to hear us.

God cannot be mock we have to understand that. 

When God told Solomon, ask me what you want, Solomon answered Him;

First he said to God; you did great mercy to your servant David, my father. First of all Solomon remember before any asking, him remember God what he had done with his father previously, he says; because he walked in front of you truly in justice and with righteousness of heart in front of you you. 
Second, remember that his father he received from God what he received because David walked in integrity, what is integrity?
Do as we say we will.
Live as we preach.

If you preach one thing and live another thing you're not an integral person, whole, you are falling apart, you're disintegrating, your mind is being dividing and can be divided in two parts, in three parts, up to four parts and there is where the psychologists come around to tell everybody, there are multiple disorders in the human personality.

There are people who have up to five personalities and that consider as psychopaths, who already have to be hospitalized in hospitals for mentally illness.

In reality there was never a problem in their minds, the problem was that they never solved their past sins, no they wanted to hear the voice of God in their hearts.

Third, says Solomon, and you have reserved this your great mercy, in that you gave him a son to sit on his throne as it is happening on this day. Solomon before asking anything to God remembers Him, that the fact that he is sitting where he he's sitting, like a king, it's not because he deserve it, he was immature, had not done nothing for god, he was just starting to build the temple, but Solomon says; I am like I am, and I am as the king of Israel because you made a pact with my father, and for the mercy that you had to my father I'm sitting here. I do not deserve to be sitting here, I am cause of the mercy that you had to my father.

And this is something very important because many of you are where you are because of the prayers of your mother, for your father's prayers, maybe the prayers of your grandfather who you did not get to know him, but God has promised, the generation of the righteous will be blessed.
The generation of the righteous will be blessed and their children will inherit the earth. psalm 112: 1 - 2.
What does this mean?
That even if we have still children that we see they still do not come to the path, I know of many great men of God, many missionaries, who died and their children were not Christians and they got saved after their fathers died, but God always fulfilled his word.
Solomon give pray
The fact that we die and we don't reach to see many of us, to all of our children saved, does not imply that God is not going to fulfill his word.

God is going to keep his word and our children, they are blessed and although right now many belong to Devil, God is going to snatch them from his claws and you know why? because the mercy that God has with us, his parents that we walk with Him.

But if you are not a father who walk with God, if you are not a faithful father with God, if you do not walk in holiness, these promises can not have fulfillment.

The mercy of God is up on those who fear Him and about them he will make known his pacts.

Finally, the mercy that God had for his father and the fact that he is where he is, that made him unworthy; You have put me for king instead of my father and I am young and I do not know how to enter or go out, and your servant is in the midst of your people to which you chose, a people big, that can not be counted nor can be numbered. Solomon finally begins to pray because when remembering the mercy with his father, he knows that what God says he does it.

What makes us prayers?

God's faithfulness!
In Ephesians 3: 20 and he who is powerful to do things much more abundantly!
You ask God something, he is going to answer you with something far much more beyond that what you imagined He was going to answer.

God is faithful but God does not give you things just like that.

But if you do not work, if you do not plant, then do not expect to have harvest, because you are not going to harvest in life what you had never sown, in what you had never worked.

Solomon begins to say to God, I'm young, I do not know how to get up, I do not know how to govern, I do not have the maturity and I want please, Lord, the ability to be able to govern.

When God told Solomon; ask me what you want, God was testing the heart of Solomon, and when we come in prayer and we ask God, for the abundance of heart speaks your mouth.

What you ask God denotes and manifests what is really that you want in your heart.

Now the Big secret why God answered him this prayer! 
Solomon give pray

In verse 7 and 8, Solomon recognizes that he does not have the ability to govern such a people large or enumerate it, for such a large crowd, from which he begins to to recognize that he needed something important.
Then the first thing Solomon asks God was; give to your servant, give me an understood heart.

The word understood is ¨chama¨ what it means is to hear or listen. Give me a heart that can listen to the people, give me a heart that knows how to listen to judge your people and to discern between good and bad.

See carefully what Solomon is asking God, Lord let me introduce myself to you people. A pastor need to give counseling, to hear.

We need discernment and discernment is a capacity that the holy spirit gives to be able distinguish between good and evil, between a lie and falsehood, between what is real and what is not real, and this capacity is not given by any book, school, no seminar, it is given by God to those who have learned to before listen to Him.

When you come to the Bible to whom are you listening?
To God!
When you are in contact with bible to seek the truth of God, automatically the holy spirit, makes the God's word a discernment, and you begin to manifest a capacity in your life, so that when are you listening to something you have the capacity for judging with correct attitude. 

Then Solomon asks for the ability to to be able to judge the people, and here is the center of all this wording, the main motive whereby God gives Solomon so much more of what he imagined, the reason was because Solomon´s motive was the welfare of the people of God.

As long as God sees that we love his people, as long as God sees that you love people, that you love your brothers in Christ, because if you're not going to love your brothers in Christ, if between us we do not love ourselves as we expect, then, to then dare to ask something to God.

If between us we turn the guns against each other and we attack each other, and you attack that preacher, and you attack that brother, and that coordinator, and we have that attitude of always authoritarianism, and always superb, and always the same interests, and I, and I, I am the king of " I "...

How can you then expect to have wisdom, intelligence and spiritual discernment?
You will never have them because God wants us to be humble with each other, that we forgive each other, that we accept with all our shortcomings to each other, that we we tolerate and we endure like Christ, he forgave us and he hold on to us on the cross and if God with all the sack of atrocities and sins that we brought, and they were put on the cross, now God ask you, go and you do the same with the rest of people.
Solomon give pray
Love my people says the Lord, because with the love that you love them in the world the world will know that you are my disciples.

If we are among ourselves with jealousy, and envy and criticism, and slander, and curses, and this and the other, as carnal people, who they are going to stay in the desert, they will never enter the promise, they will never have their petitions, will never have an answer to their prayers, because they never wanted to die to themselves, they will never have wisdom, they will sail always on different waters, like weathervanes in life, carried by all winds of doctrines, never take the rudder in your hands, get on your boat, never having the right course, always go wherever the wind goes.

Like sailboats without an engine, without wisdom, without convictions, because they never loved the people that God loved.

What matter the most to God, is love.
Solomon give pray

Now there are diversity of gifts, but the spirit is the same.
There are diversity of ministries but the Lord is the same.
There are diversity activities but God who makes all things is all the same.

Very important, but to be Christians, who have no gifts?
Well, we all have gifts, but to each one is given the manifestation of the spirit for advantage of the word, for profit of the word, that means for the benefit of others.

My gifts are not for me, they are for the others, to build you up, that with them, Paul says to the church, please do not speak in tongues because the church if they all get to speak tongues ​​without an interpreter, and if there is no interpreter shut up. There are many churches currently they have not understood the use of spiritual gifts, they are never for our edification, the tongues are for the edification of others by the spirit is given to them for their profit thier edification.

Says Corinthians 1:14, The prophecy on the verse 3, speaks to the men for edification, on verse 4, the one who speaks in a strange language so he does not know builds, but the one who prophesies, he or she edifies the church.

So I would like that everyone speak in tongues, but more who prophesied, because greater is the one that speak in the prophecies that the one who praises in tongues, unless there is an interpreted for the church to receive edification.

So also you who crave spirituals gifts, seek to abound in them for edification of the church.

More than seven times in a chapter says pablo the gifts are for others, for the common good, ask for others, God give me wisdom, not to be wise by myself but to educate my family.

Father the give me wisdom to be a pastor and be a pastor who knows how to advise in order to bless your people. 

Give me properties or give me material goods according to you, for edification of your people.

When we have in the heart the people of God, God blesses over abundantly.

Because nobody lives for himself, we live for everyone else. The secret of happiness is to live for the others, there is the secret for happiness. Your house is to be use for the glory of God, your car use it to transport brothers, use it for the kingdom of God, your money use it for the kingdom of God.

God is not against you having savings or money, but do not have just to save more than what is right, you might become avaricious. When you can use it for the glory of God, God begins to pour out more abundantly all those things that you craves, because he seeks instruments through which he can channel his grace and his blessings for others.

Abraham from the beginning of the bible God said; I'm going to bless you so that you be a blessing to the nations.

Everything what God gives us is not to be throw away, God gives me to give.

God give to give it.

If God gives me and I continuing saving and not giving, then the devil comes along, the devourer, and he take that, what belonged to God.

He begins to steal what belonged to God, because we have not understood that wisdom is for blessing the people of God.

Thank you Lord, because you are immensely generous and good for all your people, in such a way you have loved us that you gave your son, and if you sacrificed your son, how will you not give us all things, if we ask you.
But asking not for to spend on our delights for our own interests, but when we ask according to your will.

And what is your will?

Your people, for whom you gave your blood in the cross, the sheeps, those that you bought with your blood on the cross of Calvary, the price for their souls, is for those you want that we live.

When we love a person, when we hug a brother or sister, we are hugging Christ, we are embracing Christ, we are caressing Christ.

Christ because that person is your brother and your sister, Christ lives within them.
 Now when you do your prayers, clean yourself out, out of personal vanities, and reach out to God accordingly to his will.

God bless you!

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