September 2018
To understand the answer we must go back to the book of Genesis, when God said: Gen 3:15 “it will strike you in the head, and you will strike him in the heel.”
The woman will strike the snake on the head. Because is from the chapter 3 that God started to announce the coming of his servant, taking into consideration that Abraham also said, Genesis 22:8 God Himself shall provide the sacrifice, keyword: “Himself”, meaning that God will manifest Himself in flesh to redeem man from sin, not the devil now, since the devil was already judged, but sin.

Christ must came as an apostle, pastor, prophet, evangelist and teacher executing all these during His earthly ministry as a servant. Now, to understand even deeper how the promise was fulfil, we must know the meaning of the word “ministry” which comes from the Greek word Diakono, meaning "to serve" or doulos, meaning "to serve as a slave”.

So Jesus was the servant, the Minister who came to serve, not to be served. and there is where God Please His Soul.

Now the prophecy reach an important meaning when you read: “whom I have chosen” This opens up a window to think: were there more to choose from? and the answer is yes, but all of those or them should be considered in order to establish on heaven and earth that there was nobody worthy enough to fulfil, no only the prophecy now, but the redemption of everybody willing to accept that sacrifice.
There are more to say and explain, but this is the short answer I can give.
God bless your soul.

In biology, I suppose it would have to be the double helix, the Watson and Crick discovery of the structure of DNA.

atheists admits

Which is far more, was far more than just the discovery the crystallographic worked, at discovering the structure of a big molecule. Because what that led up to was a major revolution in which much of biology became a sort of branch of information technology.

The consequence of the Watson Crick discovery, with all that it led on to, the DNA code and the sort of... there's genome projects that are going on now, is that genes, which from my point of view are absolutely central to biology.

Genes are information, they are coded information, it even looks like computer information.

A chromosome is a great long computer tape, it's linear, runs with one dimensional digital code, it's not binary, it's quaternary.

But apart from that, it's is just the same as a computer disk, it's read in sequences, it's copied and pasted from one part of the organism to another in just the same way as as a computer programmer would copying things.

“DNA is like a computer program but far, far more advanced than any software ever created.”
----------Bill Gates---------

Imagine if you told Bill Gates that his Windows operating system could create itself into a digital information format, and then after that it would manufacture a case for itself and then assemble its own hard drive, build its own motherboard and install its own application software.

And without an intelligent source involved in the entire process.

It would be ridiculous right?

Dr. Antony Flew was a leading spokesman for atheism, however scientific discoveries about DNA brought him to the conclusion that life and the universe was created by an intelligent designer and so Dr. flew no longer became an atheist, but he became a creationist, because of the findings of genetic information in DNA.

The DNA code is known as the instruction book for life.

DNA is a language and information storage system. Therefore, just like a software program was designed by an intelligent designer, it makes sense that the DNA code which is far more complex, was designed by someone who is far more super intelligent than any human being. It's also important to note that all types of codes and all types of languages are designed or created by a conscious mind.

Examples of symbolic codes can be music symbols, binary code or blueprints.
Examples of languages can be HTML, C++, hieroglyphics, Hebrew or the English language.

Therefore, all instructions, all languages, all symbols and all codes are information which originate from the conscious and intelligent source.

It would make sense then to conclude that DNA comes from an intelligent source, the DNA code did not just create itself, but it proves the super intelligent designer, in this case God.

Even Richard Dawkins, who is a well-known atheist has admitted to the possibilities of intelligent design and he stated himself that genes are coded information and that genes even look like computer information.

If you look at the detail details of our chemistry molecular biology, you might find a signature of some sort of designer.

So is DNA proof of God?
Yes it is!

Thank you for reading this, please leave me your comments below, no matter what your opinion is, I will gladly answer to you.

Peace and Joy to your life.