August 2018
Speed of light in Kilometers: 299,792,458. Why i can not go faster? explain that atheist. You might find yourself explaining the creator of the rules which governs the entire universe / multi-dimensional-verse.
evidence of God

Is not easy to think there is a wisdom, a mind, a power, which set things in order? even our body is a mystery to ourselves and yet you are asking for proofs, like if God must to proof himself to you. If you don't believe is up to you, just keep living and let other believe whatever they want to.

Is it not our freedom to do so? as your to choose not to believe? We believer found peace and God, we feel Him acting in our lives thru many things. You guys are up to be respected by us, because someday in the past we were in your place.

But glory to God He saved us. That is why we read you so bitter, so hateful many times, that you cannot express yourselves with respect to the ideas of others. Yes for you we are stupid, retards and many more. But have you thought for a second: what if we are right, what if you are missing the opportunity to fill yourself up with the love of God.

Not the religious sunday-sunday gimme money repeat your prayers God. I am writing about the real God, the one you are so desperate to get the proof of. But this is the good news: He is spirit and you can not bring to the flesh something that belongs to the spirit.

You might consider this words just empty for you, but here are meanings, decisions, and yes, love for you too because it is horrendous to live an empty live, a live where nothing is higher than yourself, that makes your ego a giant, a box in which you are imprisoned in.

That box is your concepts, you're well known attitude against that you cannot explain for the lack of evidence, your so demanded as you want them evidence.

Just like a child wondering why if a cow is brown, eat green grass produces white milk.

Yes there is a good explanation for that, but not to everyone is given to understand it. So just like that is believe no only in God, which is the initial step, because after believing in God then you move into believing to God.

I wish you really find the evidence you so seek for. I did, by faith.
satanic temple

Satanic temple Just unveiled a goat-headed Baphomet statue.

The state senator said: "It will be a very cold day in hell before an offensive statue will be forced upon us to be permanently erected on the grounds of the Arkansas State Capitol."

It is a healthy practice to respect the ground where certain people rise up in what they believe.

Certainly we are to be well informed of what we choose to believe, and no matter what you choose to be your god, but be careful that it is powerful enough to rise you, to protect you, to not to run from a higher power but must important, be sure your god have not another God above it.

Since when it come to chosen on having a king, you don't want a defeated king.
No doubt the time is coming when the kingdom of God, the "great I am" the "everlasting to everlasting God" will be manifested on earth again. Those times will be more revealing to us than any other time, so we must be prepared, ready and willing embrace challenges present right now in this contemporary world.

I don't wonder why things like these satanic temple revealing their whatever it is they want to call it.

Since I have mind to think I have seen satanic works, walking satanic temple, or temples. So a satanic temple revealing their "goods" is not something new. It is something shocking for those ignorants religious people thinking that because this happened the world is worse.

We just need to open our eyes, this satanic temple is just one of thousands around the world. Many satanic temple call themselves something else bu satanic temple.

Sometimes the make people call them Catholics churches, or orthodoxes, etc.

Satanic temple, is a behaviour more than it is a place, a satanic temple can be a human manipulating the people to make money, or better said; to use the people's money for the terrenal pleasures.

In this corner even Evangelistic pastors falls, and deep.

So yes, this satanic temple openly and freely shows everybody in what they believe, that is not something to be worry about, I am more concern about this "brothers" or cousins, claiming to believe in God and then go and kill innocent childrens, a satanic temple in the open, is like a snake in a road, once you hit the road, you spot it and say, Oh no devil I am not walking over there.

But a satanic temple in the hiding, now, that is something that scares me the most. Why?

  • Imaging a satanic temple who told you I love you so many times that you end up being married to that satanic temple.
  • Can you imaging a satanic temple who rise you as a father and then that "father" in the middle of the night reach your room an abuse you? that is a satanic temple in the hiding, because it is very often that for the time that satanic temple reveals it statue, too many abusing night had pass.
  • Another example of what I can call a satanic temple to fear of, is a son or a daughter who is offending and abusing their parents to the point of humiliation and physical violence.

The examples of a satanic temple in the hiding can take the whole internet space.

But, and in this but you must pay close attention:
Spirits evils are already judged, for them the time coming is not for judging but for locking them down into their eternal prisons, which take me to my writing point, which is:

While you are alive, you still have the chance to repent and move or become from a satanic temple into a God's temple.

For you see, this does not mean we are perfect, but it means we are of God, we belong to him and is He the one who deals with us, never to destroy us but always to correct us into the behaviour of Christ Jesus.

Are you a satanic temple?
Everything can be fix, Christ said "Behold, I make all things new. " which means even if you were the worse, if you repent from your heart, God in Christ can do mighty things in you, so powerful that people wont believe you are a new creature.

Satanic temples are now millions who renounced the dark and became a new child of God. 

The door is opened, the time is ticking and we don't know is tomorrow there will be oxigen for our breathing, so if today you heard His voice harden not your heart.
people who denies god

I don't expect people who denies God to understand Bible.

Since the gospel is hidden for them that are lost.

Now lost, but not forever. people who denies God needs to come and know Jesus, and they will understand things like: there is no other book more bloody than the Bible, and not other more beautiful, sometimes you read stuff so ugly and yet you will find things so beautiful and wonderful that bugles you mind.

People who denies God cannot get it because is not in them to do it. they just do the best they always do, go and try to destroy what they don't understand, simply because you are not suppose to. 

God is the master orchestrator of human affairs. As you see a girl was raped by a worldly man, a family was murder, nations fell, were burned to the ground, because God said it. 

But not because you see such acts it means God is doing them or acting bad, may be bad for you because people who denies God don't understanding anything pretend to judge everything. 

Horrible things happens in front of God, yes they happen, but not because God wanted, but because  men wanted, the mundane man. Now, worldly man deal with worldly man stuff. As it is now, it was in those past days. 

Is not God dealing with crimes, is man. 

Now, i'm not defending God here, he is strong enough to defend himself and I don't wish to be in the middle of a fight between people who denies God and God. Yes I am on God's side. 

In human behaviour is intrinsically: if I don't understand something, I rise against it, but this mostly apply towards God. very often people who denies God don't critic smoking, fornikation, drugs, cheating, cursing, maybe their talk is loose and judgemental, maybe just maybe. Those are things that we are suppose to rise against to, not God.

Because in the best escenario, if people who denies God don't believe in God, then why are they trying to discredit His word? 

Is it not ridiculous that people who denies God waste their time trying to proof wrong something that for them does not exist?

I know Superman does not exist, so you will not find me writing trash about something that people say, superman said. I will feel retarded. 

But is that inside those people who denies God that make them write and say bad against God's word, is that it, that thing in people who denies God must which you should be worry about. That something that is pushing them to go against what they know, they are sure, they are completely convinced does not exist. Are them?